The Administrative Simplification regulations of the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) establish compliance standards for
security, electronic transactions and privacy of patient’s health in relation to transactions in the healthcare industry.

Mediassist Healthcare Solutions has undertaken extensive efforts to become compliant with HIPAA requirements and is completely compliant with all
the HIPAA regulations. Mediassist Healthcare Solutions has engaged in the following efforts to ensure compliancy with HIPAA’s rules and regulations:

  • Written code of conduct, procedures and policies that are updated on a regular basis.
  • Each employee signs a notice of confidentiality.
  • Background checks are performed on each new potential employee.
  • Intensive scrutiny of all Internet activity, including detailed technology policies, data management, robust password policy,
    workstation security policy and more.
  • All of our billing practices are compliant with current industry standards, and our auditing and reporting systems
    are regularly reviewed for compliance as well.
  • Our policies are mapped to regulatory requirements.
  • A Compliance Officer who fully monitors and controls all the activity around compliance and monitoring within the organization.
    Limited access to data, portable media such as hard drives, USB and CDs.
  • We provide Bio Metric access to all of our employees
  • Our office permises are completely monitored under CCTV surveillance.
  • Employees are requested to sign the NDA (non disclosure agreement).
  • Our employees are created awareness regarding PHI (protected health information).
  • Our employees are provided an access card to have entry and exit to operation permises.